The number of organizations affected by the MOVEit file transfer platform hack rises to 272, with victims including Choice Hotels, American National Insurance, and TD Ameritrade.

Germany's Deutsche Bank discloses a data breach potentially impacting over 100 other companies, suggesting a connection to the MOVEit hack.

The trial begins for an 18-year-old member of the Lapsu$ hacking group accused of targeting Uber, Revolut, Rockstar Games, and Nvidia.

NATO pledges to intensify efforts against cyber attacks in a joint communique, emphasizing the integration of political, military, and technical defenses.

Microsoft and BlackBerry report that the RomCom group sent infected documents to potential attendees of the NATO conference, exploiting an Office vulnerability.

Patch Tuesday brings a record-breaking 142 security fixes, including crucial updates for Windows' Remote Desktop Gateway, Office vulnerabilities, and Outlook security.

ESET's analysis reveals short-term trends, such as attackers shifting from malicious macros to OneNote files and intensifying brute-force attacks on Microsoft SQL servers.

Anonymous Sudan, a hacktivist group, is suspected to have Russian affiliations, as researchers link its actions to pro-Russian sentiments and the Killnet hacktivist collective.

The response of a German biotech company's CEO to a ransomware attack highlights the importance of communication and transparency during an incident.

Organizations are advised to establish an IT incident response team and maintain open communication with customers and partners to preserve reputation and trust.