China's long-term economic trend remains stable, despite temporary fluctuations in monthly indicators, according to the National Development and Reform Commission.

Supported by effective policies, market demand in China is gradually recovering, leading to increased retail sales and rapid growth in service-related consumption.

China's fixed-asset investment is up 4% year-on-year, with a focus on high-tech industries to drive industry transformation and upgrading.

To enhance the economy's internal driving force, China plans to implement measures to boost consumption and increase the income of urban and rural residents.

The People's Bank of China has taken steps to stimulate growth through interest rate reductions and counter-cyclical adjustment

while the central government provides substantial transfer payments to support local authorities.

China aims for around 5% economic expansion in 2023, prioritizing the recovery and expansion of consumption and fostering domestic demand.

China's commitment to stability and development is reflected in pro-growth measures, supporting market recovery, consumption, and sustainable growth.